Five questions answered by the BookshelfTracker community
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1.) Did someone read to you when you were a child (who, what, when, where, why)?
Yes, my grandmother read to me, and I fell in love with the stories. She’d usually read at night, and she read books like The Jungle Book, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and Sherlock Holmes.
In the summer, my grandma would have us do school work after lunch so we didn’t fall behind when school started in the fall, and she made sure we read for an hour as well. I did a lot of reading in the summer. I read before bed and when I had time.
2.) What's the first book you remember reading that had a lasting effect on you?
I loved CS Lewis and all his Chronicles of Narnia books as a kid. They took me to another world.
3.) What genre(s) do you love?
As I got older and joined the Marine Corps, I strayed away from fiction and got really into Military History and History in general. But now I’m reading whatever interests me, and I either read or listen every day!
4.) Has a book ever changed your life?
Books change my life every day. The more knowledge I gain, the more it changes my perspective on everything in life.
5.) What attracts you to a book? The cover? Podcast? Recommendation from others?
Current events lead me to do some digging, educate myself on the topic, and learn the history of the situation. However, I do look at what my friends are reading on Goodreads, and if they give a book 5 stars, I’ll add it to my queue.
*BookshelfTracker is an app that lets you organize the books you own, track who you lend them to, and more. Learn more on our website,